Welcome to the 5/6 classroom for 2024. This year we have 19 students who are all eager to improve their learning and be an important part of the school and local community. We are fortunate to have experienced Education Support member Tash in our classroom fulltime to offer extra support to students.
This year, our Reading block will be an hour each day across the school week. Our reading sessions will involve a range of activities including guided reading, comprehension activities both written and with the incorporation of laptops and iPads. Students are encouraged to read at home each night to further progress their reading skills. Parent/Guardian involvement is encouraged by listening to their child read or having a conversation about the book they have read. Our Writing block will be based around the 6+1 writing traits while also having a big focus on improving our understanding of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers & Punctuation). We participate in multiple Big Write’s across the term and complete Breakdown Buddies with a partner to assist in our understanding of how to improve our writing. Spelling will be implemented after recess Monday-Wednesday, where the students complete the “Spelling Mastery” program suitable to each student’s individual levels. In Maths, we will be covering a range of topics throughout the year. Each maths lesson will include a warmup/tune in activity, followed by students enhancing their maths skills by completing open-ended tasks, structured activities or using Essential Assessment which is an online program that targets specific needs of students. The students will participate in regular sessions of PE which will help further develop their fundamental motor skills. Student will also learn how to play a range of sports that promote participation within the local community. |