In Grades 3/4 we consider ourselves to be a ‘class family’. We celebrate our similarities and differences alike and are proud of each other’s achievements.
In our supportive classroom, students are encouraged to take learning risks to grow in their understanding of concepts. Mrs Cleeland, Miss O'Shannassy and Chloe, our Education Support Staff member are side by side with the students every step of their learning journey and are ready to challenge and guide them every day. At Nyah District Primary School, we are lucky to have small class sizes which allows all students to be seen, heard and supported to the highest level. We are eager Readers and Authors, taking inspiration from our favourite authors and illustrators. Students write about topics they are passionate about and use Australian Authors to inspire them how to structure their own publications. We value our student’s voices and how they can impact their local community. Grades 3/4 have access to many Libraries, including our school library and the Swan Hill Regional Mobile Library. Students are always excited to borrow a variety of books which they then spend time reading in class. Each week students take part in ‘Book Clubs’, reading a book of their choice and practising their comprehension and decoding strategies. We consider ourselves to be confident Mathematicians, linking our learning to the real world. Students engage in problem solving tasks, applying their learning into real world settings. We play many fun games which build up our mental math skills and help us solve problems for efficiently. Our class feels very privileged to be a part of this wonderful community. ‘Together we learn’ |